Open House

clothing swap and open house
clothing swap and open house

Interesting in learning more about play based preschool programs? Visit Woodland Parent Nursery School for a FREE playdate to explore our school and meet our amazing community. At WPNS we promote a child-directed environment that encourages creativity, environmental consciousness, self-expression, and peer socialization. Enrollment for the 2023-24 school year is here, so be sure to learn more information now.

+ Clothing & Toy Swap

In addition to free play, we are also hosting a children’s clothing and toy swap.

  • Bring toys or clothes that are in good condition without holes, stains or obvious signs of wear.
  • Sorting clothes of like-size into grocery bags.
  • Bring what you don’t need anymore, take what you can use – FREE

Whether you come for clothes, toys, play, or both, we can’t wait to see you!